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7 Home Energy Saving Tips to Kickstart The New Year

Written by Mollie Dean | Dec 26, 2018 12:30:00 PM

Looking for home energy saving tips for the new year? We have exactly what you are looking for! New Year’s resolutions are goals that people set for themselves in order to improve their lives or make themselves better. It’s common for people to vow to lose weight or quit a bad habit, but this year try adding energy efficiency to your list. If you are determined to live a greener and more energy efficient lifestyle in 2020, follow these energy efficiency tips.

Top 7 Home Energy Saving Tips for 2020

  1. Perform A Home Energy Audit

Start by performing a home energy audit so you can learn more about how you are currently using energy. Here's a DYI energy audit resource  A home energy audit can identify any energy related issues in your home, provide custom recommendations on how to reduce energy use in your home and reduce your carbon footprint. Using these recommendations will help you reach your goal of becoming more energy efficient and could increase your home’s resale value.  

  1. Take Advantage of Smart Home Devices

Smart home devices are designed to make living at home more convenient, but many of them also improve energy efficiency. If you haven’t done so already, commit to installing a few smart home devices in your home within the next year. A great one to start with is the programmable thermostat.

  1. Upgrade to Energy Efficient Bulbs

LED technology is advancing rapidly.  Today’s LED bulb use about 80% less energy than traditional ones. Place LED light bulbs in the five light fixtures that you use the most and you will start to see a drop in your electric bill every month. This is one of the easiest energy efficiency tips to follow since it simply involves changing the light bulbs in your home.

  1. Shop For Energy Efficient Appliances

Most retailers slash prices immediately after the holidays, so the beginning of the year is a good time to shop for high-value items such as energy efficient appliances. If you need a new refrigerator, dishwasher, washer, or dryer, look for the Energy Star label to make sure you are choosing an appliance that will consume less energy than standard models.

  1. Use your Ceiling Fan

Make an effort to use the ceiling fan more often in the next year instead of relying solely on the air conditioner. A ceiling fan can effectively lower the temperature in the room without using as much energy as the air conditioner would to do the same job. In fact, people who use ceiling fans can turn their thermostats up by about 4 degrees Fahrenheit without feeling a difference in temperature. Also, ceiling fans at low speeds can help circulate heat efficiently throughout your home.  Learn more about this tip, and how to winter-proof your home here.

  1. Fix Leaky Faucets

Part of your resolution to become more energy efficient should include fixing leaky faucets around your home. A faucet that leaks at a rate of 1 drip per second can waste over 1,600 gallons of water in a year. This is a huge waste, so fix these leaks to conserve water and meet your energy efficient goals for the year.

  1. Plug Into Power Strips

Some devices such as computers and TVs can continue to consume energy even when they are turned off as long as they are still plugged into an electrical outlet. To prevent this from happening, plug devices into power strips and turn off the entire strip instead of turning each device off. Doing this will ensure devices are no longer able to consume energy when they’re not in use.

Sticking to a resolution can be tough, but following these energy efficient tips is so simple that it won’t be hard to commit to living a greener lifestyle for the new year.