Whether you are rooting for the Eagles or the Chiefs this Sunday you can start planning on how to save on energy now! Taking a look at previous years, energy consumption tends to increase in the hours before the big game but decreases during the actual game. Many of us like to gather together to watch the game, which helps to reduce energy. We might even forego some of our Sunday chores so we don't miss a great play or the best commercial, which further reduces energy consumption. You can do your part to help save even more by following some of our tips below!
We have some easy tips for how to save energy while you are cheering on your favorite team (or watching the commercials).

Adjust your thermostat – Turn down the heat a few degrees, especially if you are all gathering in one area to watch the game. Between cheering and moving around (extra snack runs to the kitchen), you and your family will generate more heat. If you are still chilly, think about bundling up in your favorite team sweatshirt or blanket, or combine them for the ultimate comfort.

Turn off lights and electronics – With the focus centered on the TV, check and make sure that you do not have any stray lights or electronics turned on in other rooms.

Keep the oven closed – Though it is tempting to keep checking on those snacks, each time you open the door, heat escapes forcing the oven to work harder to keep the correct temperature. Or better yet, instead of using the oven try snacks that you can cook in your crockpot or toaster oven; each uses significantly less energy than your regular oven.

Use the dishwasher – While game day can produce many dirty dishes by opting to use the dishwasher instead of hand washing, you save energy and water. Switch off your dishwasher’s heat-dry setting to save even more electricity.
No matter which team wins on game day you will win big with these energy savings tips!